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  • Ed Morley's avatar
    Improve the workflow for generating binaries for Heroku-16 (#387) · e621ff4d
    Ed Morley authored
    * Updates bob-builder to a version that clears out the previous
      build directory, which prevents the stale files seen in #379.
    * Adds a `buildenv-heroku-16` Make command to simplify the
      building and use of the Heroku-16 binary build environment.
    * Sets `S3_BUCKET` and `S3_PREFIX` in the Docker image, to save
      having to do so manually each time.
    * Removes the duplication of the bob-builder dependency between
      `Dockerfile` and `requirements.txt`.
    * Disables the pip version check during Docker build, to avoid the
      noisy stderr warning about Ubuntu 16.04 pip being older (v8.1.1).
    * Adds a `.dockerignore` to speed up the Docker build, by reducing
      the build context transferred to the daemon from 60MB to 2MB.
    * Applies some Dockerfile best practices like disabling/removing
      cached files (since layer invalidation makes caching pointless).